Wil Camilleri - Curriculum & Portfolio

April 2012 till June 2013ONSITE MALTA (Destination Management Company)

A leading Destination Management Company operating within the Conference & Incentive Travel market in the Maltese Islands currently employing 13 full-time personnel.

Posts: Creative Manager

After completing a successful event coordination project with On Site Malta on Freelance basis in 2010 for the Oriflame Conference (5,000 Pax delegates). I was approached to re join the company. 

Main duties ocused towards the Marketing and Image of the company, whilst also have an ongoing and direct involvement in Projects (events, conferences & meeting) and also Operations, by developing new innovative Creative Concepts. 


- Re-Designing of the Website www.onsitemalta.com and creation of new social media related initiatives including Youtube video uploads, twitter posts and a blog based on the website itself.

- Creation of iPad Challenge (Valletta Treasure Hunt with iPads)

- Filming of mini promo & teaser clips of events and new products - used for Social Media interaction and youtube channel. 

- Creation of new products for example - “Pedal Power” a green initiative for eco conscious groups. 

- Templates for presentation and proposals  

- Brain storming sessions with team for proposals and new initiatives and products.

- Media buying on foreign magazines and online media. 

- Project management and handling of conferences on sight with operations manager

- Sales proposal template creation

- Handling of Communication plans and Advert conceptualisations.